Dzień: 2 grudnia, 2015

Reprezentanci narodu

Artykuł 104. naszej wspaniałej Konstytucji stanowi, że „posłowie są przedstawicielami Narodu” i to do tego stopnia, że „nie wiążą ich instrukcje wyborców”.

Ghana: GIPC Grants Tax Holiday to Agro-Processing Enterprises

The Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC) has offered a five year tax holiday for new, wholly-owned Ghanaian agro-processing companies which use only local agricultural inputs as their raw material base.The Ghana Investment Promotion Center (GIPC) has offered a five year tax holiday for new, wholly-owned Ghanaian agro-processing companies which use only local agricultural inputs as their raw material base.

Explained: Denmark’s crazy car registration tax

As part of its 2016 budget, the Danish government reduced the limit for registration tax on new vehicle purchases from 180 to 150 percent. The Local takes a closer look at why buying a car in Denmark is so expensive and what the tax reduction means for motorists.