Truths, Half-truths, and reports of the European Union

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Truths, Half-truths, and reports of the European Union – position of the WEI on the EC report on the rule of law in Poland


The Warsaw Enterprise Institute is of the opinion that the document published by the European Commission on 30 September, entitled ‘The Report on the Rule of Law. The chapter on the situation of the rule of law in Poland’ does not contain any accusations which could be grounds for introducing any sanctions against Poland, an idea actively backed by a part of the European political class. What is more, by mixing up the rightful and conniving accusations, the document will only worsen the unhealthy climate of debate on key issues for Poland and the EU. Although some of the comments made in the report are pertinent, they still do not touch on the most serious problem for us in the context of the rule of law: the operation of common courts. A realistic diagnosis of the problems of the judicial system should constitute the starting point for any discussion on the rule of law, and the judicial reform is a condition for the proper functioning of the entire system.



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